Our people are the key to our continuous success. We take pride in our competent and professional personnel for their commitment and loyalty to iKHASAS and its customers. We consistently invest in upgrading our people’s skill, new technology deployment, R&D, and reward for innovative improvement. Due to this, iKHASAS has the flexibility and strength to deliver fast-track multi disciplinary projects anywhere whether large or small, confidently and successfully, optimizing the use of our network of engineering centers and local partners. With a dedicated and professional workforce, we are committed not just in delivering successful projects but also in strategic partnership with our clients to achieve outstanding results in a safe, productive and quality driven working environment.
Our Benefits has been built on our good work ethics, the high quality of our services and products and well-proven project track records. We constantly strive to ‘raise the bar’ and find ways to work even smarter, safer and faster, without compromising on quality.
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No. 2A, Jalan BP4/6,
Bandar Bukit Puchong,
47120 Puchong, Selangor D.E., Malaysia.